The project is located in the seaside town of Shirahama-cho on the Kii Peninsula in Wakayama Prefecture, Osaka, Japan, and is a showcase project between the Japan Foundation and INSOME in the Japanese market. The project site has a 120-degree bay view and abundant natural resources, and can be developed into a winery plantation with a cultural and tourism resort nature on the project site.
For the Japanese market, INSOME and Japanese architects have created a cultural resort product based on the separation of wet and dry. At the same time, Japanese elements were extracted from the entire interior as the core of the design tone, trying to express the living experience and spatial feeling formed by the traditional Japanese architectural space with modern architectural techniques.
The construction of traditional town houses for Japanese residents is characterized by woodwork, and the division and combination of spaces is handled with a simplicity and simplicity and a precise control of the logic of craftsmanship. Based on this, INSOME uses wood elements and grille materials as the core when dealing with space, replacing traditional materials with new, modern, environmentally friendly materials.
Based on INSOME's modular structure, interpenetrating and interlocking diverse spaces can form a rich and interesting horizontal multi-layered space, maintaining the continuity of space while reflecting a sense of independence.
Considering the convenience of installation, INSOME cooperates with Japan's Panasonic's whole bathroom system, coordinating well in advance through remote communication to reserve holes and space. The flexibility of the assembled system was brought to the utmost.